[your]HealthResearch allows institutions to create a localized, custom branded, research portal that potential participants and research teams can use to efficiently connect, and interact with each other. 


Localize & Custom Brand your recruitment platform

Create a recruitment platform just for your institution. Use the goodwill of your institutions' brand to attract participants.

Allow participants to search for studies & show interest

Participants can search using various parameters. They can then show interest in the studies that fit them.

Let researchers Manage their participants and interact with them

Study teams can access information about interested participants and securely follow up with them from within the platform.


Create an institutional participant registry along the way

As participants show interest in studies, they are being added to a registry with their consent. This pool of potential volunteers is available for all future studies at your institution.

engage users with sophisticated matching

The platform matches potential participants to relevant studies. It then notifies participants of those studies while also notifying study teams of matching participants.

attract participants from other websites

Create a live feed of studies from [your]HealthResearch to other organizational or departmental websites. All recruitment related study information can live in one place, while being displayed on multiple websites.


[your]HealthResearch is based out of the University of Michigan, and has been connecting potential participants and study teams for over a decade. 


the proof is in the pudding


Over 90,000 signed up participants

Over 3,000 studies haved used the system

Over 600,000 instances of a
 participant showing interest in a research study

over 589,000 messages exchanged between participants and research teams

Users from 194 countries

OVer 2M user sessions recorded

I like that I can message study teams and they respond to me. Other registries just let me put my information in, but I never hear anything from anyone. I can show interest and be proactive on UMHealthResearch.org.
— Participant
“When UMHealthResearch launched I quickly had an amazing increase not only in participants who were interested in my studies but also many who actually qualified.
— Researcher
My daughter suffers from a condition and I was looking for research at U-M that may be able to help her or others like her. I didn’t know where to look at first, but I found UMHealthResearch.org and started a loved one account for my daughter. We get studies for her sent to us all the time, that without the site we wouldn’t have known about.
— Participant
In our department we not only use UMHealthResearch for potential research volunteers, but also for our referring physicians. Our department has a referring physician liaison who goes out into the community and discusses our current research trials being conducted, and she will direct the referring physicians to UMHealthResearch to look for active trials for their patients.
— Researcher


Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it.

Anthony J. D'Angelo