Features for Institutions
Localize and branded
Create a recruitment platform just for your institution or research network. Use the goodwill of your institutions' brand to attract potential participants.
A centralized research home
Create one place for potential participants to engage with all research that is being performed at your institution or research network.
create an interested and willing participant pool
Provide a central resource for your institution or network's research teams to connect with participants who are interested and willing to participate in research at your institution.
One stop recruitment shop
Create efficiencies by allowing research teams to efficiently manage interested participants, store their data and communicate with them, all from one centralized place.
display sudies on multiple sites
Create a live feed of studies from [your]HealthResearch to other organizational or departmental websites. All recruitment related study information can live in one place, while being displayed on multiple websites.
institutional level recruitment campaigns
Run institutional or research network level campaigns through social media and other avenues establishing your presence as a research institution and driving traffic to your site.
track effectiveness through meaningful data
Identify gaps and opportunities in your overall recruitment strategy through the use of meaningful data such as site traffic, actions performed, conversions and demographics.