Features for Potential Participants


A front door to health research at your institution

[your]HealthResearch creates one place for potential participants to engage with all research that is being performed at your institution. 


Search for studies

Participants can search for open research studies using various parameters like Age, Gender, Medical conditions and many others.


Show interest in studies

Allow potential participants to show interest in studies they are a good match for from within the application. No need for any external communication.


Communicate with study teams

Let participants securely communicate with study teams by sending and receiving messages from within the platform. Participants can choose how frequently they want to be notified about their messages.


Sign up for yourself or a loved one

Participants can create profiles, show interest in studies, and communicate with research teams for themselves or for loved ones. 


Personalized study recommendations

Participants can get personalized study recommendations based on the information they provide. They can choose whether and how frequently you want to receive notifications about their recommendations.